Clay is a material that requires special handling and work space to keep dust to a minimum. Clay dust is hard to manage within personal living spaces. Any student working 100% remotely will be using alternative materials to explore the visual art standards and create a range of three-dimensional projects. If you are working in a hybrid model you will be combining some clay work with alternative materials. To begin the year remotely you will need just a few materials:
- Sketchbook (minimum 50 unlined pages)
- Elmers glue or Mod Podge
- Needle and Thread
- Scissors
- an x-acto knife or box cutter (if allowed at home)
- Tape (duct tape is best...two colors is ideal!)
- on the lookout to s collect and ave all sorts of random materials that we'll be using such as:
- an old pair of closed-toe shoes or boots
- old (destroyable) books
- aluminum foil
- soda cans/jars
- cardboard, cereal boxes, paper towel and toilet paper rolls
- yarn, string and rope
- bendable wire of various sizes
- fabric...such as old pillow cases or t-shirts or jeans
- magazines and newspapers